Thursday, 8 November 2012

Trivial mundanity and train announcements

It is always a good feeling to wake up and know it's Friday. So even though it's still dark, I've got up to enjoy those first few minutes of the last working day of the week. Today is going to be one of those domino effect days: our big, brave, new multi-agency room is having desks put in all around the walls, so we have to put all our things in the very small meeting room next door, which means the health visitors who use that room, will have to move into another room, which means the group in the other room will have to be squeezed into one room instead of two, which means......It makes me realise how much of our lives we spend sorting out mundane trivialities and I can't help wishing it wasn't so.  But then, I suppose, it is the trivial things that provide the firm base upon which great things are built. It's especially true as a parent.  If you don't help your kids find their lost PE shirt, make sure they've eaten some breakfast, done their homework, switched off their computers, stopped tweeting on their phones, replace a broken compass and protractor- if you don't do all those little things, the solid base of their world can crumble.  It's hard to spread your wings and fly if you have no firm footing to take off from. Life will always be precarious, full of unexpected potholes, some small, some so gaping and enormous,  that all we can do is tiptoe around them and be careful not to fall back in. There is not much we can do about those.  The mundane triviality we can sort out though. So maybe, walking through this Friday, I'll be glad that's all I have to do.

Ninesh has changed his phone ring to the sound that is made in Swiss stations just before a train announcement is made.  So now, every time he gets a text message, I expect a train to arrive in our kitchen.

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