Thursday, 22 November 2012

Thanksgiving curries

Right now I should be tidying the house in preparation for the arrival of my parents-in-law but instead I am busy feeling thankful!  Last night we went out with our friends to celebrate Thanksgiving in the good old American tradition of going for a curry. And we had such a lovely evening- playing games, eating delicious food and laughing more than I remember laughing for a long time, Outside the wind was howling and rain was battering the windows ( I'm English- I have to mention the weather ) while inside lights and hearts were glowing.
" So go on, " my friend said, "what are you thankful for this year?" And suddenly the laughing stopped and we all looked at each other.  How do you answer that?
Cheesily: I am thankful for my family, my friends, my health, the love of those I love......
Materialistically:  I am thankful for my DM boots with the roses embroidered up the side and for the new fire pit in our garden
Philosophically: I am just thankful for being
Greedily: I am thankful for delicious food but most especially chocolate.
The truth is, it is hard to put into words what we are thankful for. It is more a general sense of wellbeing that we are lucky to be who we are, living where we are, when we do.
But last night, sitting in the restaurant sharing delicious food, creating  golden memories with good friends, it was hard not to be thankful for the creaminess of the saag paneer.

And what I forgot to write about bedtime story last weekend, is that as our story-teller sat back down on his chair, there was a squeal from underneath him and a little boy emerged hands and arms waving. Obviously the story-teller's chair looked more comfortable than the cushioned floor The story- teller jumped up.
"I'm not sure who's more surprised," he said, " him or me!"

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