The first post is the hardest. Should be the title of a song.
So here I go. Walking normally through life with its constant detours and u-turns is hard enough! Writing a blog when you are as computer illiterate as me, might be even harder. But when there is laundry to put away and a house to clean, anything is worth a try. So here goes.
This is meant to be a collaborative blog with me ( Becky- in Chichester ), Mandy ( in Germany ) and Cath ( in Liverpool ) but setting up a collaborative was far beyond my skill level. But as the three of us were told to "walk normally," on a film set we had walked into by mistake last weekend, the seed for the walking normally blog was planted. And anyway, what is walking normally? There's the tripping stiletto walk, the wobbly wedge walk, the confident DM walk, the shuffling slipper walk, the squelchy welly walk ( all those who were at Greenman this year ) , the defiant teenage swagger walk, the swaying-hips sensual sexy walk- and the sidling-off-the-film set- you-are-not-meant-to-be-on walk. Like everything with the word " normal," in it, walking normally means whatever you want it to mean and is however you are walking today. Perhaps the real skill is to walk differently and look like you mean it. Maybe that's what we should have called the blog!
Going to practice walking differently now as I walk to my son't bedroom to put away his clothes!
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