The first sip of coffee in a peaceful house! The right way to begin a day, even a wet and dark and windy one.
The thing about calling a blog "walking normally," is that I think about walking normally all the time, (which usually makes me want to hop or skip or twirl! )Today, the kids are going to my parent's house after school. My dad can hardly walk at all now. Each tiny shuffle costs him so much energy and loss of dignity, that he prefers to just sit and ponder the injustice of it all. He says he knows what he needs to do to put one foot in front of the other but his legs just won't do it. It makes me realise how easy it is to take walking or hopping or skipping for granted. Sometimes, when I go round to their house, he is sitting in the kitchen with a faraway look in his eyes and tells me of the dream he has just had where he could walk. And turning to me he says " the hardest part is that when I wake up, for just a moment, I forget it isn't true."
Our tortoise, on the other hand, races across the living room floor as soon as he hears the cat munching on its breakfast. The cat watches warily and eats faster to avoid the daily head -to-head. Never knew tortoises ate meat but given the choice between cheap cat food or wholesome fruit and veg, cat food would win every time. Probably also true of my teenage son.
Never did finish " Instead of a Book," - wish I could have read almost any book instead of that one. Time for finishing it is up today! Book club tonight and I wonder how many people will have read it. Quite glad I don't like it. Book clubs always work best when at least one member hates the book.
Still searching for the tranquility Tuesday didn't bring - perhaps it belongs to Wednesday this week.
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