Friday, 25 January 2013

It's not my fault.... and the Blockbuster disaster

I am getting worried that I am becoming a grumpy old woman!  
More and more I seem to be walking through weeks carrying an underlying sense of slight irritation wherever I go and whoever I meet! And I am not quite sure why.  Perhaps it's because I,m tired or worried or constantly trying to sort out ( and usually failing! ) my work life balance.   Perhaps it,s because  however hard I try to battle the chaos, our house never seems to be tidy. Perhaps it's because I hate the cold and the post-snow frozen slush. Perhaps it all of these but whatever the reason, it is to do with something inside me, it's no one else's fault.  
And that is what I seem to struggle with every day.  A sense of RESPONSIBILITY. Or the complete lack of it all around me.  Wherever I turn, whatever I listen to on the radio or watch on TV, there is always someone saying" " It's not my fault." 
" It all started in with the last government, when we weren't in power," says the Prime Minister, " It's not our fault. 
" The Conservatives made us do it," say the Lib Dems, in coalition, " It's not our fault."
" We would never have done it, if we were in power," say Labour, " it's not our fault."
" He was just a bad person holding a gun," says the National Rifle Association after yet another mass shooting, " it's not our fault."
" The ball boy made me kick him by holding onto the ball," says Hazard, " it's not my fault."
" She told me she was on the pill," says the teenager who's just become a dad, " it's not my fault."
" They don't listen to anything I say anyway," says the parent, watching their child hit another child, " it's not my fault."
" I can't remember to pay my rent every month when I've got so many other things to worry about," says the social housing tenant who is just about to become homeless because he has used the rent money given to him by the government, to buy something else, " It's not my fault."
" She did it," says the 3 year old, holding a piece someone else's ripped  picture and pointing at her friend."
It's everywhere and all around, this complete inability to take responsibility for our own actions. 
And I"m wondering when it happened. When did we forget how to say " sorry?"
Because sometimes that's all it takes. 
One word that means:
 " I made a mistake, I got it wrong. Now lets try to make it right!"

If only this youtube clip were true!

My friend recently had to go into hospital for an operation.  
" Is your son alright?" I asked. " Is he really worried about you being ill and being away from home?"
" Oh," said my friend, " he's not worried about that.  He's got something much worse to worry about.  He just doesn't know what he's going to do! 
 He doesn't know where he's going  to borrow computer games from, now that Blockbusters has gone bankrupt!


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